Title: The Story Where Shini Goes Crazy and Dies
Author: Allana
Disclaimer: I don’t own Gundam Wing, and I don’t even like the show that much.
Rating: Er… I guess you could say PG…
Category: Gundam Wing, original character.
Dedication: This is for the author known as Shini Winner! She loves Gundam, and I
don’t, really, but she thought it’d be interesting if I wrote a story where she goes crazy
and dies. It doesn’t have *that* much to do with the actual show, but it mentions Quatre.
The earth was still. A full moon was rising over the horizon. In a house in the
middle of a respectable neighborhood, it was getting towards four o’clock in the morning.
All of a sudden, a great “klonk” was heard. It was immediately followed by a
great “ow!” Shini sat dazed near her VCR. A “Gundam Wing” tape had fallen on her
head. Then, a wide, sweetly demonic grin spread across her face. “Quatre is calling me!
I must fly to meet him in my Gundam!” She began looking around her living room in a
confused manner, since she had obviously gotten amnesia. “Oh, darn. I can’t remember
where I parked. Was it section Yellow K in the parking garage?”
She got up to “explore” her surroundings. She found her way to the garage,
where she discovered her parents’ van. Another grin flashed, and she got in and backed
out through the closed garage door, leaving a carnage of wood and metal. “Woo hoo!”
yelled the crazed Shini. She somehow managed to drive all the way to the local airport,
and also managed to knock over every garbage can and mailbox. Not to mention the fact
that she was screaming with pleasure, waking up every person from miles away, and
having at least fifty police cars trying to keep up with her.
She pulled out onto a runway, and then she got out and ran to the nearest hangar
to look for her imaginary Gundam, Blue. “Blue! Where are you?” Then she saw a
shiny, new jet, ironically painted blue. “There you are, trying to hide from me!” She
strapped in and held on.
Shini raced down the runway, where the police cars had tried to form a makeshift
blockade. She pulled up just in time to scrape the tops of the car roofs. SCREECH.
“Oh, yeah!” Then she revved up the fuel and tried to head straight up into the sky.
“Quatre, my love!” she screamed. Well, physics wasn’t in her favor at the time, so the jet
came crashing down, and the ejection seat automatically let her out to parachute down.
“Fun, fun, fun! Goin’ to meet Quatre! Mein liebes Fechter! (A/N: This is German. The
rough translation is: My favorite fencer!)”
Then, she landed (roughly) in the middle of an early morning Gundam Wing
convention. “Quatre? Are you here?” asked Shini the Crazed. Many people dressed in
Oz uniforms and such turned their heads at the floating, crazed, freak-like person. When
she landed, they went back to their business. Shini yelled, “Quatre, Quatre, Quatre!” as
loud as she could. It was unfortunate for everyone that Shini was by the Quatre section.
All of a sudden, the Quatre-crazed fans sang out in unison “We love Quatre!”
Of course, that set Shini off. “Quatre’s MINE!”
“No, MINE!”
“No, MINE!”
It eventually started a giant fist-fight. Shini, being crazed, eventually knocked
everyone out. She stopped and looked around. “Where are you? Quatre?” It was then
that she saw him. The blonde hair, blue eyes, winning smile, all mixed into a handsome,
though rather flat, electrically lighted poster of Quatre. “Hehehe! I have come, O hot
one!” She scampered up to it and began to climb up, which was a very big mistake. As
soon as she touched the electric lights, she fried up and was flung off. With that
everlasting grin on her face, she said, “I love you too, babe!” Thus, she died.